DVD piracy blamed for video shop rental fall

UK DVD rental companies have started to worry after they see a
10.6% drop in rentals. But they also admit that a lack of
Hollywood blockbusters hasn't helped.

VIDEO shop owner Home Entertainment has expressed alarm at the flood of counterfeit DVDs into the UK, which has weakened demand for film rentals.

The owner of the Choices chain of video
stores said it was suffering from the activities of criminal gangs who use
illegal immigrants to hawk the discs around pubs and

I have never rented a DVD because the
prices of DVDs are so low now, I just buy them and hang on to them rather than
returning them 24 hours later. There are alot of people out there that rent
DVDs on a regular bases, but they seem to dwarfed by the amount of people
buying bootleg DVDs. You can read the full story here.

Source: Scotsman.com

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