No Blu-ray and HDDs in 2013?

At The Standard they're not sure what to expect in 2013, so they came up with a quick insight. What can we expect to find in your digital home in 2013, and what will disappear in the next five years?

Recent studies have shown both negative and positive outcomes for Blu-ray, but now it's the time to openly say that the format is having a rough time getting adopted. According to a Forrester's research Blu-ray is adopted very slowly and this means retailers and The Association need to come up with ideas to increase sales. If prices don't drop quickly and consumers will continue to feel abandoned due to a lack of features, we can expect Blu-ray not to be adopted in 2013.

Besides these two solvable dangers, the format will have problems with the succesful DVD format and increasing broadband speeds. HD downloads are right around the corner and many people openly stated they would love to simply download movies. Huge DVD collections and an amazing adoption rate make the old DVD format a difficult burden to 'jump' over.

Another interesting thing we will miss in 2013 are HDDs. At The Standard they believe there is enough evidence to show we will no longer store our data locally, but we will move towards online storage. Both Microsoft and AOL have openly stated they want to lead us the way, but current services like Amazon's S3 Storage Service still have reliability issues and a $0.15 per GB price tag.

We can expect these burdens to disappear in the next five years, which could mean the end of local storage solutions and the start of online storage.

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