DVD-Ranger claims breakthrough on Cinavia removal - clear voices

The developers of DVD-Ranger, also resident commenters on Myce.wiki,  posted a blog yesterday stating they will soon release a new version of Cinex, their software designed to defeat the Blu-ray copy protection Cinavia. On their website they write, "After a few months full of stress, we finally decoded the vortices and waves, and now have the symbols found in the magnitudes and phases. Thus we have the opportunity to free the main bands of Cinavia without much loss of quality. This means clear voices."


It seems DVD-Ranger already understood Cinavia for some time but were missing the last piece of the puzzle, as they write, "As we wrote some times ago, the key is inside the stream. Many thanks to Verance about this flaws in the design of Cinavia."

The announcement was released on the same day we posted about a breakthrough on removal of the Cinavia signal from Blu-ray audio tracks. Yesterday,  user Cienoway posted he found a method to remove the Cinavia signal without degrading the audio quality too much. The method was verified by Macrovision3500, an user well known on our site for his attempts to remove Cinavia.

According to Cienoway the audio quality can be improved much more with new versions of his method.

The Cinavia copy protection is embedded in the audiotrack of a Cinavia protected movie Hardware and software players contain a Cinavia watermark detector which decides if the movie is legitimate or not. While Verance, the company developing it, claims it doesn’t affect the quality of the audio, others disagree. The degradation of the audio is a reason to try to find a method to remove the signal from audio tracks. Another reason is that Cinavia prevents playback of Blu-ray backups.

The protection will detect playback of the backup and will mute the audio after 20 minutes while showing a Cinavia warning prompting the user to get a legal copy of the movie.Also pirates start to encounter Cinavia more and more as it’s also designed to stop illegal movie sharing.

The Cinavia detector can also be found in the next generation consoles, the Xbox One and the Playstation 4.

Read more on Cinavia in our in depth article: Ultimate Cinavia Guide: the protection that refuses to be silenced.

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