Don't like Metro? Skip it with the 'Bypass Modern UI' tool (video)

We like choice, so we give you the information to install Metro on Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7, but if you're on Windows 8 and want to skip Metro, then here's another tool. An user called KNARZ has posted the tool 'Bypass Modern UI' on his website. There were methods before to do this, but usually they still showed the Metro UI (Modern UI as Microsoft likes to call it) for a split second.

This is likely caused because they automatically send a key combination to the OS that make it switch to the desktop directly.


KNARZ claims to have found a native solution, where the Metro screen isn't visible at all. With his application you do not disable Metro, it will still be there if you want it.

All it does is modifying the sign on process of Windows 8. The software also doesn't modify files and doesn't require you to patch files. Check the video above to see how well it works. More information and downloads can be found here.


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