Free Windows 10 on less than 10% of all computers after 3 months

Three months after its release, Windows 10 is installed on 9% of all computers worldwide. Windows 7 remains the most popular operating system, according to statistics from StatCounter.

StatCounter-os-ww-monthly-201504-201510 (1)

The statistics show a large increase of Windows 10 users. The operating system was released last July and in October it was installed on 9% of all computers worldwide. The above graph shows that the majority of those users appears to come from Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 for whom the update to Windows 10 is free. Usage of Windows 8 and Windows XP appears to be relatively stable.

Windows 7 remains the most popular OS with a market share of 50.26% followed by Windows 8.1 with a share of 13.09%.

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