Google Balloon Networking Takes Off

It might sound crazy but Google has just commenced the first of a series of test balloon launches in New Zealand for its 'Google Loon' project.

Described by Google as 'Balloon powered Internet for all', Google plans on using this seemingly non-technological solution to plug the Internet access gap for users in developing countries and Internet black spots that can't get online.

The balloons are designed to fly at 20 miles above the Earth's surface which is well above the height of air traffic and each of the thirty balloons launched yesterday should provide ground coverage for an area of 40 kilometres in diameter as soon as they've reached optimum height.

The electronics are powered by solar arrays and Google believes the balloons should be able to remain operational for at least 100 days.

At the moment access is restricted to testers in New Zealand but for the purposes of the trial, users can expect speeds equivalent to 3G.

Google provides further details of Project Loon here and ITN News has uploaded the following video.

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