Media Hint service allows access worldwide to Netflix, Hulu, Pandora, Rdio

Many online media services are set up to limit access according to which country you live in.  Hulu, for example, has been available for American viewers for many years, but they offer only very limited access in other countries.  A new program from Garage 48, called Media Hint. is designed to bypass these restrictions.

Media Hint is available as an extension for the Chrome browser, or as an add-on for Firefox.  You can find the add-on at the official site from Mozilla at this page.  And the extension for Chrome can be found here.

There is no predicting how long these add-on's will continue to work.  One or more of the companies affected may take steps to block it.  But for now, this work-around seems to be a good solution for those who cannot normally access these four outlets for movies and music.

You can read a bit more on the story at The Next Web.

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