Messaging app Telegram now easily downloads torrents with Torzzan bot

Russian owned WhatsApp competitor, Telegram, makes it possible to download torrents with a bot called Torrzan. The chat app allows users to create bots which are for example used to provide weather updates, translation and other tasks.


Thanks to the Torrzan bot it's now possible to search for torrents based on keywords such as an artist or movie title. The downloads go through a VPN which should protect the privacy of downloaders. The creators of the Torzzan bot stress that no data is logged that passes their servers.

Because the downloads and storage are provided by Torrzan, they have a download limit for free accounts. These accounts are allowed to download 3 torrents without restrictions. The initial free 3 downloads have a maximum of 10GB, after that, users can download 1 torrent a month with the free plan. This download is limited to 1GB per file and the download speed is limited to 50KB/s.

Unlimited downloads and storage is also possible with a subscription that is sold for $9.99 a month.

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