Microsoft's browser market share is fading away

Microsoft's browsers Internet Explorer and Edge continue to decline in popularity, Edge can't even make up for the number of users that stop using Internet Explorer. The latest numbers of market analyst Netmarketshare show how Microsoft's browsers continue to lose users.


Internet Explorer's market share has dropped to 26% from about 45% at the beginning of this year. It's a downwards trend that has been going on for some time. But because Internet Explorer is replaced by Edge in Windows 10, the drop isn't surprising.

Unfortunately Edge isn't making up for the losses of Internet Explorer. There are less users switching to Edge than users stopping to use Internet Explorer. Edge's market share is currently about 5%. This means Edge hasn't seen its market share grow since the last two months and it only won 2% since the beginning of this year.

The increase of Edge users has come to a halt while the number of active Windows 10 device has grown to 400 million. Together Microsoft's browsers have a market share of about 31%. If the market share continues to decline at the same pace, the market share will drop to below 25% by the end of this year.

Chrome and Firefox benefit from the declining usage of Microsoft's browser. Google's Chrome and Mozilla's Firefox grew to respectively 55% and 9%. Apple's Safari also saw a slight decline to 4%.

It appears Edge isn't impressing users, they appear to be mainly searching for a browser that synchronizes the desktop and their mobile devices.

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