Most Millennials not concerned about online privacy

Millennials, people born between 1980 and 2001, are unconcerned about their online privacy, according to American researchers. For their research, performed by the American Press Institute (API),  more than 1000 Millennials were interviewed.


Twenty percent stated to be often concerned about their online privacy. More than 50% was sometimes worried about information that's available about them on the internet, while 34% wasn't concerned at all. The group that is most concerned doesn't worry about government espionage or privacy intrusion of large companies, but mainly about theft of personal data and financial information.

From the group that's often or sometimes concerned about their privacy only half worries about large companies knowing too much or selling personal data. "That means that of all Millennials surveyed, only 30 percent are worried about corporations knowing too much about their lives", according to the researchers.

The researchers also report that 40% of the group with privacy concerns worries that potential employers or schools get the wrong impression about them based on their "online footprint". The participants were also asked if they worried about government surveillance. From the group with privacy concerns 34% states to worry about that, however the number drops to 22% when the entire group is taken in account.

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