'Netflix responsible for decrease in torrent traffic'

According to a publication of internet research company Sandvine, Netflix is  helping to fight piracy. Sandvine researched global internet traffic and noticed that torrent traffic decreases when the traffic generated by Netflix increases. Netflix is a very popular streaming video site in the US,  they offer tv shows and movies over the internet for a fixed fee.  During peak times (9 pm till 12am) the site takes up about 33% of the internet traffic in the US  on fixed connections.

Torrent traffic,  which is very often pirated content, takes up about 12% of the total internet traffic in the United States, in Europe it accounts for 16% of all internet traffic and in Asia 36%. Netflix is currently expanding and now also available in the UK, Canada, Ireland, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Norway, Columbia, Brazil, Argentina, Chile and Mexico. However,  it's unknown what the effect of Netflix on torrent traffic is in those countries. It's expected that torrent traffic will decrease and will be good for less than 10% of the total internet traffic by 2015.

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