Researcher develops USB stick that can physically damage computers

A Russian researcher claims to have developed an USB stick that can physically damage a computer. The unnamed researcher once heard a story about a stolen USB stick that severely damaged a laptop after it was inserted.


He was so intrigued by the story that he decided to develop such an USB stick by his own, the so called USB Killer. The man allegedly works for a company that develops electronic equipment and ordered several PCBs for USB sticks in China. Eventually he succeeded in making a prototype that uses a "negative voltage" which should make it possible to damage a computer.

Pictures or videos of burned or electrocuted devices lack unfortunately. On the internet several people have been critical on the claim. Some are wondering whether an USB stick can have enough current to cause a fire. The researcher has published a short description on how the USB Killer works but extensive schemes and drawings are missing. The developer does ask people whether they are interested in purchasing such an USB stick.

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