Sourcecode of copy software by DVDRanger online - it's revenge

The source code of open source movie copy software  BDneXtCOPY is now available for download on Recently we wrote that the author of DVD-Ranger released BDneXtCOPY, free and open source software to make backups of Blu-ray and DVD discs. At that time the actual code had not been published.

Today we found out that it's released on the open source hosting website SourceForge. Making the software free and open source will likely upset other developers of movie copy software, so we asked the author of DVD-Ranger for the reasons behind his decisions.

He is clear about his reasons when asked, it's revenge.  "There are some companies who owe me a lot of money and so I decided to bring everything public,"  he wrote on our forums.  "I will merge step by step the DVD-Ranger code to BDneXtCOPY and after this I think many companies will lost (sic)  much money , Childish? Probably, but it makes me happy."

As the software is based on DVDneXtCOPY, it's likely that this company has unsolved business with the DVD-Ranger author.

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