Video game legend says console gaming is dying

A Japanese video game legend believes it is only a matter of time before video games are eventually offered on any platform, providing an equal gaming environment for all consoles.

Hideo Kojima and Sony recently held a press conference to promote Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker, which will be available in Japan for the PlayStation 3 later this month.  (The game will be released to North American and European markets sometime in June.)  However, Kojima noted that it's only fair that gamers be able to have maximum flexibility to play games.

"In the near future, we'll have games that don't depend on any platform," said Hideo Kojima, who is best known for creating Metal Gear Solid, during a recent press conference.  "Gamers should be able to take the experience with them in their living rooms, on the go, when they travel -- wherever they are and whenever they want to play."

Additional Sony executives were also present at the press conference, though I'm sure they'd rather see Kojima continue PS3 game development in the future.

If video games one day become dull for Kojima, he also expressed interest in movie production.

I agree with Kojima's outlook on the gaming industry -- I've had to turn down several video games that interested me because they were available for a different game console.  I've heard other gamers who said they didn't purchase past game titles because the game looked like it'd be better on a different console.

Services such as Steam have become popular now that gamers are looking for new ways to quickly and conveniently acquire new video games.  Being able to rent or purchase video games regardless of platform seems like it could be great for gamers -- if it ever is properly implemented.

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