Xbox One owners complain about "horrible noise" coming from console

Xbox One owners complain about noise coming out of their game console. The issue appears to be exclusively for the Xbox One without a Kinect camera of Microsoft's latest console, although this hasn't been officially confirmed.


The first noise complaints started to appear on the Xbox Forum of Microsoft last month. Users stated their heard an "horrible noise", comparable to that of an old printer or old HDD that is continuously writing data. When time passed  more complaints started to emerge.

A Microsoft support employee has confirmed there are noise issues with the Xbox One but also mentioned the company has no clue what the culprit is. Microsoft now collects serial numbers of affected consoles to get an idea of the size of the problem. Users who bought an Xbox One with the noise problem can go back to the shop they bought it for repair and if the store doesn't want to help, contact Microsoft's service center.

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