DDump for unsupported CloneCD drives

Submitted by: Infocorp[ACS]

Source: http://come.to/Ddump

Hi people !
I have found that DDump works for burners that are not supported by CloneCD !!!
I have succesfully copied FIRESTORM (SafeDisc) and it works for other protections too, especially those that depend on read errors... one negative thing: it takes more than 1hour to read the first 10.000 sectors of the Safedisc protection... after that its really fast (15mins to read the full CD).

If your done, record the ISO with CDRwin !!!
Then play the game online and singleplayer... no problems at all !!! hehe cool or not ? If your wondering what recorder i used...its a HP8100i (not supported by CloneCD)
One more thing i forgot to mention is that u need a 80min CD or overburn for FIRESTORM !!!

I hope a lot of people will find this interesting ?!!!
I did anyway... 😉


Ps. Let me know if you get it to work ?

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