DVD-recorder market will grow to 90 million units in 2006

jsl once again pointed us to an an article on the Yahoo!Finance website. The article describes how and why DVD growth will continue an also has an interesting statistical analysis.

The analysis determined that the DVD recorder market will grow to almost 90 million units in 2006 of which 50 million would be built in to a computer.

Based on a June survey, IDC found that 8% of respondents planned to buy a DVD burner within six months, with an additional 15% planning to do so within the next year.

Recording and storing home video was the No. 1 reason people wanted these devices, Schlichting said, with recording television programming coming in second. He added that respondents were not very interested in copying commercial DVDs.

Danielle Levitas, director of consumer devices and services at IDC, agreed that DVD recorders would eventually replace VCRs. But she cited content protection, specifically the proposed digital broadcast flag initiatives, as a major inhibitor for consumers.

Pretty soon DVD-recorders will become as mainstream as normal VCR-recorders and CD-recorders. The only thing that needs to be done now is to decide on which DVD-format will become the standard..

Source: Yahoo!Finance

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