Did Hollywood steal the Matrix and Terminator?

DamnedIfIknow used our news submit to tell us "Story is dated April 14 of this year, but it is interesting none the less. Hope she wins her case, then we can tell the MPAA to go look in the mirror when they accuse people of ripping the movie industry off."

I couldn't believe this at first, but it's one of those things that you just have to wonder about. So I did a little looking around and I think it is real. According to the line at the end of this article, it's written by Sabrina Ford who says she is a student at San Francisco State University, where she also works with the Center for Integration and Improvement in Journalism. There just so happens to be a press release dated yesterday, that tells of an interview with Sophia Stewart at Books and Words.com as well. Sure enough, if we visit over there, we find an article written and it's a good one that gives the inside story. It really is an interesting take on the situation and gives us an idea of how big this scandle could be. Definately worth a read as well! Warner and Fox Studios have to be concerned about this on many levels.

Sophia Stewart is pissed off. 'They didn't expect me to go to the feds," she says, 'They didn't expect this case to blow up this huge." They includes Warner Brothers, Fox Studios, James Cameron, the Wachowski brothers, and Joel Silver. This case is one of the most fascinating and controversial cases that you may have never heard of.

Sophia Stewart, a black woman residing in Salt Lake City, is alleging that the internationally successful film that we all know as "The Matrix," was actually taken from her screen treatment and epic, "The Third Eye." Stewart also says that in the process of investigating her copyright infringement case, the FBI discovered that there was strong evidence linking "The Terminator," a film Stewart had never seen and therefore never sought compensation for, to "The Third Eye" as well.

Stewart adds that the theft of creative work is far too common in Hollywood and that big studios have gotten away with it for so long because of their power and influence. She says of the pressures, 'If you don't do what they say they black ball you. Secretly all of Hollywood is behind me. They want to bring the studios down. They know about these thefts."Most appalling, says Stewart, is the fact that it would've been so easy for the studios to pay her for her work. 'It's a greater crime for the rich to steal because they have the money to pay for it. Why should the poor and the weak suffer? We're not going to take anymore crap."

BitTorrent is a drop in the bucket to the bottom line if the studios lose this single case. Also, from what this lady is saying it's not an isolated incident. Can you imagine if she wins, how many others might come forward with similar claims?

Sometimes these news stories are so fantastic, you just can't let yourself go and believe them. What do you think? I just have to daydream about what kind of money this is worth. Just the punitive damages alone would be a staggering amount of cash. Plus, don't we love to read about the David and Goliath type conflicts. Great story DamnedifIknow, thanks.

Source: Various

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