Help testing the quality of CD-R media

On our forum an intresting topic has been posted. An user called Halcyon is trying to find people who want to help him testing CD-R media.

He has a large number of things he wants to test and his tests are certainly not for sissies. The thread suggest what brands to use, what testing methods to use and what 'features' of the CD-R's are tested. Here is a quote of his post.

This idea was brought up by Nox's excellent post about a cd-r media DIY testing.

I have decided to test the longevity, durability and resistance to error build up of the best available CD-R media (exlucing medical grade media). Nox has initially offered to help me out. We'll find out if that still stands after this message

This test would need more volunteers.

The idea is to test the disc's resistance to heat, humidity and radiation (UV, infra, visible) by placing them outside in the sun for the duration of the summer.

The data contents (same on each disc, verified 1:1 before testing) would then be read and tested every second day to measure for possible build-up of read-errors (and the time required to read the disc).

The test would run as long as the last disc fails to read without errors or when the testers run out of steam. Whichever comes first. I hope to be able to run the test for at least 80-90 days.

If you want to read more about his thoughts, want more information or want to join his testing team, then just click here. We like these kind of experiments !

Source: CD Freaks Forum

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