Sony is trying to stop the bleemcast! PSX emulator discs for the

Nighthawk used our newssubmit to tell us that Bleem is in trouble. Sony has tried with lawsuits to stop the development of Bleem, and because this didn't work they are now trying to stop retailers from selling the software.

WE NEED YOUR HELP. After the courts turned down three attempts to legally stop us from selling bleem!, Sony has threatened our retailers and and scared them into pulling bleem! off their shelves or not ordering at all.

Unless we can change their minds, GT2 will be the first, last and only bleemcast! we'll be able to release - we just can't stay in business if we're locked out of retail.

There are links on the website to email retailers about stocking bleemcast! And you can check out the amazing graphics of GT2, final Fantasy 9 and Metal Gear Solid runnig on the Dreamcast!

Source: Bleem

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