Commvault Unveils Metallic Cloud Storage for Azure

Commvault added a fully integrated cloud storage service called Metallic Cloud Storage Service (MCSS) in its portfolio, bringing security and recovery to the next level.

The cloud storage vendor is now offering maximum ransomware protection and security for customer data through the Metallic platform. Its main selling point is Commvault Backup and Recovery software on the HyperScale X appliance.

Based on Azure, this storage system simplifies cloud data management through Commvault Command Center. This is integrated software that provides organized data backup, easy configuration, and protection.

Commvault Unveils Metallic Cloud Storage

The main goal of the MCSS is to simplify the complexities around the hybrid cloud environments and allow enterprises to migrate data and workloads easily. Azure customers can have a cloud-based place for data security and backup minus the need to hire cloud experts.

Commvault general manager Manoj Nair said, “The need to leverage the cloud is only accelerating, and having simple, direct access to cloud storage as a primary or secondary backup target allows us to facilitate our customers’ journey to the cloud.”

Nair clarified that MCSS is paving the way for a critical step in ransomware readiness, with built-in capability to do the task and fill the air-gap on the cloud. By removing the difficulty in managing cloud storage, enterprises can save, and manage storage systems easily.

The mere IT administrators can utilize the cloud storage, backup files when needed, and manage duplication of files and wipe out non-critical workloads. In short, companies no longer face complex issues surrounding data storage for MCSS simplifies everything in its platform.

“The introduction of Metallic Cloud Storage Service built on Microsoft Azure, within Commvault Complete software and HyperScale X can transform the way companies adopt cloud storage with significant ease, while reducing risks, controlling costs, and providing data management,” said Nair.

Critical labeled data can prevent an ever-growing number of threats and vulnerabilities as experienced in hybrid cloud storage. MCSS ensures data is safe, encrypted, and inaccessible for outsiders.

The reason for this enhanced security is the combination of Azure’s encrypted authentication and Commvault’s monitoring and data management capabilities. These two technologies provide immutable copies of customer data and fill the security gap.

In the worlds of Commvault’s general manager, MCSS helps companies accelerate their digital transformation while minimizing risks and addressing security demands. The platform provides a simple path to cloud storage adoption and management, minus the learning curve.

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