Developer find way to make Doom shooter from data compiled by robot vacuum cleaner

An application is able to generate Doom levels based on the map of a house generated by a Roomba robot vacuum cleaner. The map is used by the robot to clean the house as efficient as possible, so it knows where it has been and where not. A long time game developer now found a way to turn that data into a 3D shooter.

(How Doomba works - credits Rich Whitehouse)

Game developer Rich Whitehouse wrote the software he called Doomba. With this application it's possible to use a Roomba to create levels for the classic 3D shooter Doom. Modern robot vacuum cleaners use technology to map a house, so they know where walls and furniture are located and so it can try to avoid bumping into them. The maps are also used to remember which parts have been done and which not. Doomba is able to read the maps generated by Roomba vacuum cleaners and can generate a Doom level from it.

Whitehouse is no stranger to the game industry. He has been developing games for more than 20 years and was involved in the development of Prey and Star Wars Jedi Knight 2: Jedi Outcast. He also develops the software Noesis, which makes it possible to preview and convert hundreds of model, image, and animation formats.

Noesis is also used for Doomba. Users can load the map data to Noesis to see how their living room looks like in a Doom level.

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