Developers make Cinavia free Panasonic Blu-ray player firmwares

Developers have created firmwares for Panasonic Blu-ray players that make them Cinavia free. The firmware also allows you to freely switch regions deactivates DVD UOP (User operation prohibition) and  Blu-Ray PUO (Protected user operation). On some models it will also add high clarity sound, multichannel audio reformatting, advanced video status information and PAL support for non-PAL models.



On the website there's a full list of supported models and supported features for each model. The post is already fairly old by was reported today by our forum administrator alan1476 who thought this might be useful for some. The firmware solution might be an easy fix for those who want to get rid of Cinavia on their Panasonic Blu-ray player without having to buy software to remove the Cinavia signal from movies.

However, there's a catch, the developers of the firmware write that in order to receive a Cinavia free firmware you need to provide them with device specific information and you need to be a contributor to their development. But the term contributor also includes donating to the site but doesn't specify an amount.

If you think this might be useful for you? Then here's an explanation what the firmware can do and the supported models, and here's a page describing how to get the firmware.


Thanks for the tip Alan!

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