Free e-books a growing trend

Book publishers reluctant to embrace e-book technology have started offering free e-book downloads of select books.

As a variation of the popular "buy one, get one" sales offering many shoppers are used to, some book publishers are looking for ways to attract consumers to the format.  Furthermore, it's an interesting ploy to try and have new consumers purchase e-books if they never have before -- after all, overall e-book reader sales have increased, and are expected to increase in the coming months.

Despite willing to try out new things, publishers are worried offering select titles for free may lead to attention being removed from hardcover and paperbacks publishers want to sell in brick and mortar retail locations.

ebooks1However, that doesn't mean it's impossible to find specials, as "The Angel Experiment," written by James Patterson, is available from and is a free download for all Kindle owners.

"I like the notion of introducing people to one book, while promoting the sales of another," he said during an interview with the Associated Press.  "We've given away thousands of free e-copies.  'Maximum Ride' is big already and we think it could be a lot  bigger.  That requires getting people to read it," Patterson said referring to his popular "Maximum Ride" young adult series.

There is a high level of concern of piracy in the music and software industries, but the threat of piracy isn't widespread... yet.  Publishers need to work with consumers so they are able to help one another learn to co-exist, or the rise of e-book piracy will occur.  It will be interesting to see what, if anything, the publishers do to help keep consumers interested while combating piracy.

Will free e-books help lure you towards the e-book market, or are you still  uninterested in the technology?

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