Malwarebytes users complain about freezing Windows 7 computers after update

An issue with the latest version of antivirus software Malwarebytes causes computers running Windows 7 to freeze and lock-up. When the computer is frozen due to the issue, the only solution is to perform a hard reboot. So far, Malwarebytes has not been able to find the root of the issue.

On the Malwarebytes forums user complain about the issue. An IT consultant reports that systems of many of his clients lock-up 5 to 10 times per day. Another user reports that 20 systems in his office are regularly freezing after which they need to be turned off and turned on again.

Users especially complain that the first reports about the issue were from almost a month ago and that there is still no fix.

Malwarebytes has posted several workarounds on its forums which, it claims, have high success ratios. Possible workarounds include turning off Malwarebytes for Windows Web Protection and reverting to a previous Malwarebytes for Windows components package.

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