Oracle Tandems with FHI Clinical for Cloud-Based Trial Tech

The cloud-based life sciences tech firm Oracle Health Sciences, partners with contract research organization FHI Clinical to boost clinical trial efficiency through an efficient cloud solution.

As the sciences experience roadblocks due to the inefficient data system environment, the data solutions end is trying to find ways to make the sharing of data more seamless. In addition to collecting data for reference and keen observation, the data system also provides backup to access important data.

Sharing and reporting data are huge parts of clinical trials, and global clinical trials contain a lot of information and data at hand. FHI Clinical working with Oracle Health Sciences is a smart move to speed up the curation of data storage solutions designed for fast integration and set-up.

Oracle Tandems with FHI Clinical

“We had the unique opportunity to start with a blank slate and design the ideal data system environment; we knew that we wanted systems that were easy to use, allowed for seamless sharing or data and reporting,” said FHI Clinical chief operating officer Rob King.

In addition to the fast data reporting and sharing, the organization also wants average users to easily set-up, access, and generate data for research. “We wanted systems that could be used in resource limited settings that were not only easy to use but were priced at a lower cost point” added King.

With the ongoing pandemic, scientists and researchers find it hard to collect and access data that could be beneficial for clinical trials. As of COVID-19, experts are trying to collect more information and details coming from the hospitals and other research facilities.

The need for sufficient data storage infrastructure is a must, and lack of regulatory guidance prevents researchers from moving forward. Partnering with Oracle Health Services means accessing the lifecycle of data, useful for laboratories, and established sites.

Global trials as said by experts, have limited settings and require more physical copies. This set-up makes data storing hard, plus managing confidential data is deemed of higher importance.

“Many people do not realize that significant advances in infectious disease vaccination and treatment were achieved with little technology support. While it’s inspiring, it does beg the question what could have been achieved if the latest technology had been available,” said King.

Oracle’s Clinical One platform provides cloud-based data storing solutions, requiring no further or experienced programmer support. It has limited-resource settings and has multiple capabilities and features for study management.

In addition to Clinical One, FHI Clinical also utilizes Oracle’s Argus Safety to manage data safely.

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