The official statement from DVD-Ranger after being banned from Myce

The statement from DVD-Ranger that the main developer mailed to us and which was posted on our website yesterday, apparently wasn't the official statement. After we posted it on our website,  DVD-Ranger posted a statement  on his own website with a different text commenting on his ban from

Apparently the text on the DVD-Ranger website  is the only official statement. What was mailed to us apparently is something different, however the message is pretty much the same, with same the characteristic bad mouthing of our staff, our members/reader and competitors.

This is likely the last thing we'll post about this dispute for obvious reasons, but for completeness sake we don't want to withhold the one and only official statement from DVD-Ranger from you.


Unedited statement from DVD-Ranger

Some people get noticed that the main developer get banned on the forum. The owner wrote that this was happen in case offense against other users but the ban was finaly done in case of a private communication between two “friends”. Amazing isn’t it.

Is this all childish? Yes it is childish to ban “friends”, publish slandering, spread lies and distribute wrong information. Yes it it childish to do not accept requested proofs. And yes it is childish to delete non offense posts.

But will this stop us? No! They can do as many bad mouth they can do. Fact is, CinEx HD is the only solution in the whole world and works for thousands of users. It is the solution for DVDFab, TDMore, Ideal Software, AnyDVD HD users who want to have Cinavia free videos. Those companies can only post messages to do not use players with Cinavia detectors. They forgot that all vendors have to add Cinavia detection into their players and that all new game console have a Cinavia detector. So we have to ignore all new technologies like Blu-ray 4K because the leading companies do not have a Cinavia solution. Amazing, isn’t it?

You see, some companies bring innovaton others just warm air and bad mouth.

!(The only official statement is the one on our website. There is no other official statement from us.)!

You can read our initial post on why we've decided to ban DVD-Ranger from our website. Unless something major happens, we'll continue to report about DVD-Ranger software updates, but no longer about the dispute.

Also read more on Cinavia in our article explaining it

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