For the first time more Windows 10 users than Windows 8.1

Last month Windows 10 had for the first time more users than its predecessor, Windows 8.1. In these numbers only the PC version of the operating system is included. According to market research company Netmarketshare, Windows 10 currently holds a market share of 11.85% while it reports 10.4% for Windows 8.1.StatCounter-os-ww-monthly-201412-201601That's still far behind the most popular Windows version, Windows 7 which has a market share of 52.47%.

Competing market research company StatCounter confirms the number of Windows 10 users has exceeded that of Windows 8.1 but reports different numbers. According to them Windows 10 holds a market share of 13.57% while Windows 8.1 is installed on 11.6% of all computers.

They also confirm Windows 7 is by far the most popular desktop OS, according to them it runs on 46.76% of the computers that connect to the internet.

Microsoft's latest operating system was launched in July last year. PC users switch faster to Windows 10 than they did to Windows 8. This is likely caused because Windows 10 is free for Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 users and because Microsoft consistently shows nag screens to upgrade to these users.

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