Report: many DVR users actually do watch commercials

The ability to use digital video recorders to record and watch TV and movies at a later time was supposed to pose a major threat to advertisers. Almost 40 percent of US households currently have DVR service in the household, which has forced advertisers to try and adjust.

Recently collected research from Nielsen, however, points towards a trend that half of DVR users between 18 and 49 years of age actually watch commercials during their recorded programs. Representatives from the TV ad industry were worried TV viewers would fast forward and skip through ads in recorded content -- potentially wasting millions of dollars in promotional dollars invested by companies.

Multi-room DVRs could also help boost DVR usage while also helping advertisers ensure ads are being seen by a wider number of viewers.

"Contrary to fears that DVRs would wipe out the value of commercials because of viewers fast-forwarding through ads, DVRs actually contribute significantly to commercial viewing," the Nielsen report reads.

As cable and satellite providers started rolling out built-in DVR service, national usage has doubled since 2007 while interest increases further.

Within one week of a TV premiere, sci-fi shows have a 60 percent ratings increase after DVR usage is measured and included in viewer statistics. Meanwhile, primetime viewing in DVR households also has increased in part to the DVR, with advertisers scrambling to make adjustments.

"Near live" playback, which is considered same-day viewing of DVR content, is a strategy advertisers may work on in the future. A shift towards earlier programming and more targeted advertising will also need to occur in 2011 if companies and advertisers want to remain effective.

I've found that if it's a show or channel that I frequently watch, I tend to just let the commercials go just like usual. I'm rarely just watching TV, and don't mind to leave the commercials running in the background. Do you watch ads in DVR recordings, or skip through them as fast as possible?

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